Very Specific Feelings

I’m excited to announce my first solo art show, Very Specific Feelings. This collection is my most personal work yet, blending tattoo artistry with painting to explore the raw beauty of emotions. This collection is an intimate journey into the depth of emotions we often keep hidden, expressed through a blend of unique mediums. I’d love for you to come, experience the art, and connect with the feelings behind each piece. There will be prints available, and a chance to win a free tattoo! I can’t wait to share this special moment with you.

Two things need to happen to win the tattoo. First, you MUST be PRESENT to win, so make sure you RSVP.

Second, tickets to enter the raffle are $10 each. You can enter as many times as you like, tickets are nonrefundable.

1st prize = Full day tattoo, custom or flash (worth $1500!)

2nd prize = Palm size tattoo

3rd prize - 2 free prints

Winner announced at 8pm on 11/2

You can enter the raffle through Venmo or Square. 

Venmo: Valerie-Jane-7 Last four digits 7886
